Well, it's been a roller coaster ride, that's for sure. However, I'm proud to say the light bulb has gone on, and there's a light at the end of the information tunnel. Even though I knew, the Internet marketing/learn Internet marketing niche was one of the most competitive, I still chose it for 3 reasons.
- I'm very interested in it, which makes writing and some what boring tasks tolerable.
- I figure if I can brake the ice in this niche, I should be able to do even better in a smaller one.
- I knew this niche would give me a lot of practice analyzing my competition, which I'm starting to see, is a great skill to have.
Ask any 'Super Affiliate' where most of their sales come from and the answer is always the same, "my email list". As I've mentioned in the Affiliate Tips post's below, linking straight to a sales page is like pin the tail on the donkey. Your blind and dizzy, but once in a blue moon you actually get the donkey's ass. Your much better off pre-selling your potential buyer on a landing page, or better yet marketing your products to them through a series of emails.
Now this is auto-pilot money, and whats better than that?
You have your emails pre-written and in auto-responder software. As your visitors sign up to your list for what ever it is your offering on your squeeze page, (free report/newsletter) the emails automatically are emailed. Aweber is the best in the business when it comes to auto-responder service, and for a limited time you can sign up for 1$ dollar through this link.
If your already getting traffic, that's great, but once they leave they may never be back. Drive your traffic to a squeeze/capture page and they can't get away. In fact, now you can go to them with your offers.
I don't know if I had the knowledge last time and just couldn't make it work for whatever reason, or building my email list is the real difference. As far as sales are concerned, I just checked and 73% of my sales/conversions have come from my newsletter subscribers. As I said, the journey through the sea of information that is Internet marketing sunk me once, but when I found myself with my back against the wall, some how I made it. You can too, just know that:
- you WILL bust your hump
- there WILL be some trial and error
- there WILL be a lot of do-overs
- there WILL be some frustration
- And you may even lose some money
To work from home, no one to answer to, while still providing a lifestyle for you and your family that you can be proud of. Potentially cutting your commute down from 20 miles to 20 steps. Every time the frustration starts to get the better of me, and I'm on the verge of ripping my hair out, I think of those goals, take a deep breath and focus. It's been working, and I'm a better affiliate, and a better Internet marketer as a whole because of it.
I honestly belive any new Internet marketer, or even intermediate Internet marketers that have started off on the wrong foot (Which I Have) can benefit from subscribing to this blog or my newsletter.
Thanks for reading,
Joe Diamoro
Free IM Software
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