Newbie Syndrome...
I didn't realize I had it, & you can be infected too,
Quick story...
I gave Internet marketing my all a while back, I would have swore I did everything right. I know the hard work was there, the keyword research, the article's/blogs, but the money wasn't coming in. I got a virus on my computer after about 6 months of frustration and that virus, was the straw that broke the camels back, so I quit...
Now I'm back, and so is my determination. I decided to go through my old
notes to make sure I didn't forget anything and that's when I realized I had
"the Syndrome"all along...
I have 3, 5 subject spiral notebooks full of notes. Every page top to bottom front and back. In all 15 of those subjects (3 books 5 subjects each) there's at least 1 page that says, "STOP, Focus On ONE Thing!". I actually did, for the next page or so, but then the notes go off in a different direction once again.
If it wasn't the next great "as seen on TV" product idea, it was a keyword I thought no one else had thought of. Instead of just trying to get quality traffic to a single page, I'd go off researching new domain names. New product launches, WSO's, I'll try Adwords, I'll try Adsense, I had the Syndrome, bad, and I had no idea until I saw it my self in ink, in my own notes!
We always read about it, the seasoned IM Vets tell us about it, but sometimes we have no idea we're doing to many things at once.
Research is a necessary evil, no one can argue that, however, research itself never pays the bills. I'd find a CB product research the keywords, write some articles, set up a squeeze page, but then before giving it enough of a chance, or enough effort I go off on another idea, so it's back to doing research.
When you have 'Newbie Syndrome' all your doing is research, anything you decide to do in order to make money online is going to take a lot of research. If your doing too many things at once, or something new every few days, your doing research 24-7, and because it is hard work, you wonder why your not making money, as you see it, your putting the work in... That's Newbie Syndrome..
Find something that's been done to death, something that Internet marketers are successful with everyday, still. Then devote ALL of your time and energy to that ONE task.
Go back and look through your notes, if your new your probably guilty of this....
Me, I'm in remission, I will slap myself around if I get off course again....
Good luck,
Joe D
Click Here - for the unfortunate truth behind Internet Marketing.
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